I want to be like them that learn of God upon wakening and before laying down to sleep
I want to pray like them that inherit the kingdom
Like them that pray and move mountains
Like them that experience the constancy of the fierce movement of the Holy Ghost
I want to be like them that exhalt His holy name in the light and dark time
I will be like them that dedicate their house holds unto the Lord
Like them that live for the fear and Glory of the Lord
I will be like them that speak of the goodness of the Lord even now in this age
I will minister like them that open their mouths and the Holy Spirit speaks
I am them that lifts up my soul to the Lord God
He made heaven and earth, omnipotent God
He is worthy of my praise and adoration
He did split the seas and kill the first born of Egypt
Who dares come against me will have to go through my God
Mighty in battle, His wrath is of legend
With a breath of his nostrils, he shakes the earth
the waters obey his voice and the constellations bow
who is like my God, there is none beside Him
The all consuming fire, the Lord that answereth by fire
He answers my enemies, by fire
I am them that live for his Glory
because He is my God and I am his people
I will live to proclaim His works and goodness
He is strong, this God, mighty in battle
His name be magnified and glorified in all the heavens and in all the earth
The Lord came down and put a new song in my mouth
that my lips might praise Him
put a new stride in me, that my goings and comings might be in Him
I am them that worship you my Father, ever loving God
merciful God, how compassionate
the Lion and the Lamb
the Lord that never changes, how great Thou art
I love you Lord, bless the name of the Lord my God O my soul
for the wonderful works he hath shewn thee
for the words he hath sewn in thine spirit even while thou layest in slumber
words rolling out of thy lips in Him, for His Glory
bless His Holy name, He is worthy
I am them that abide in the kingdom, yes, even while here on earth
I am them that live in the Spirit and not in the world
old things have come and pass away, but the Word of my Lord will never pass away
He reigns, King in my life
1/26/13 11.19am pst
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