Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Jesus has preeminence

He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation. For by Him all things were created that are in heaven and that are on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or principalities or powers. All things were created through Him and for Him. And He is before all things, and in Him all things consist. And He is the head of the body, the church, who is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead, that in all things He may have the preeminence. (Colossians 1:15-18 NKJV)

He is the image of the invisible God (literally and in every aspect), the firstborn over all creation( all creation, all you can see, all you cannot see, all helpers needed on your side, all enemies and friends, kings and bosses, He is over them all). For by Him all things (all, good and evil) were created that are in heaven and that are on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or principalities or powers (All things were made through Him, and without Him nothing was made that was made. (John 1:3 NKJV). All things were created through Him and for Him (What then shall we say to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us? (Romans 8:31 NKJV) And He is before all things, and in Him all things consist( in Him is your happiness, and solutions, and jobs, and access keys and revelations and everything, not some things..all things) And He is the head of the body, the church, who is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead, that in all things He may have the preeminence(imagine, before all this earth or any problems arise, or any need arises, before you ever needed deliverance or money or fruit, from the beginning of creation, God has preeminence over it all). (Colossians 1:15-18 NKJV)

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