The bible says that after baptism Jesus was led by the Spirit of God into the desert where He was going to get tempted. What did He do, complain? No. Refuse? No. The word says He fasted for forty days and forty nights, then He was hungry. That is focus. Is your Spirit in tune with the Spirit of God to know what to do at all times. After an impartation of anointing such as in baptism, The Lord gives opportunities for faith. Let us pray for focus to succeed through the power of the Holy Spirit.
Matthew 4 vs 1 Be Hungry for your calling
When Jesus knew He would be tempted, He went into a fast and prepared Himself. It is refreshing when you have come into terms with your fast and the physical hunger goes away and is replaced by a hunger to quote scripture, to pray, to study to show yourself approved and to do the work which you have been sent. After the fast, the word says that Jesus was hungry. Imagine a 40 day hunger from a successful fast. Let us pray that God will strengthen us in our fast by the power of the Holy Spirit and for the race set before us.
Matthew 4 vs 8 the devil took Jesus to the mountain
What mountain is the devil trying to take you to for temptation, what glory is he showing you. Let us be steadfast like our Lord Jesus. He could discern that a mountain is a mountain regardless of how glorious it looks and the devil gives with sorrow. How do you bring someone to a heap of trouble and misery called a mountain and then promise them the world. The devil is a liar, that world would have been attached to every form of spiritual mountain. Thank God Jesus pointed all back to Jehovah who blesses without adding sorrow. Let us hold fast to The Lord and learn to wait on Him, lest we fall into a mountain made of greed.
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