Monday, December 14, 2015

Exceeding Excellent are You Lord

Lord Your ways are exceeding excellent
Your works speak ahead of You
Your Word is true

From situation to situation
And in times of trouble
Ever present You are

You who dwell in the high
High and exalted You already are
How then shall I praise You

Rest You give to the weary
Peace You give to the troubled at heart
You settle the solitary in Your way

Exceeding awesome are You Lord

Sitting enthroned upon the praises of Your people

Magnifying Yourself in Your chosen

Moving to and fro to show strength toward Your chosen

Sending forth Your astounding Word

Absolute sovereignty, Exceeding Authority

Thursday, June 25, 2015


By His grace, my service

Numbers 16 vs 25. Amos 3 vs 3.
Unity of purpose
Where is your loyalty to God when you are put to the test. Will you obey God and be humble or will you raise yourself against another child of God. Let us work alongside one another in unity of heart and agree. For can two walk together unless they agree. We are all in the race together and at the same time individually. Encourage the brethren, and watch yourself lest you yourself  fall. We will not fall or fail a God in Jesus name.

Nehemiah 1 vs 4-6.
What do you do when you see fellow brethren doing the wrong thing, do you caution them openly? How do you caution someone older than you, too far from you, too many people to reach or a person with a temperament God is working on? How do you help a stubborn people? You go on your knees, you fast, you pray till you see change. Nehemiah fasted, prayed, mourned and went before God who gave him favor. We will gain favor from The Lord in the place of an intercessor for the brethren in Jesus name.

Nehemiah 1 vs 4-11. 2vs 1-6
Be ready
Nehemiah prayed, fasted, and was ready spiritually, physically and mentally for the mission. When the building of the walls of Jerusalem started, everything was in his favor because He prepared himself and so God answered his prayers. God will give us the grace to be ready for every task He sends us on in Jesus name.

Nehemiah 3.
There is order in the house of The Lord.
Every man knew what to do and did it. Every one provided from his house what was needed for the work they had to do. Not a mention of donation was spoken, the children of God gave freely and abundantly to do the work of The Lord. The work moved on speedily. Order and provision like a vision is shown in these people of God when a task was assigned. Will you be ready when The Lord gives instruction to do your part, or will you be those who see it and not those who sowed into it. God will bless us to be a blessing in His kingdom in Jesus name.

Esther 6 vs 1-3
Your enemies will fall into the pit they dig for you
The king could not sleep until the book of remembrance for Mordecai was opened. Haman suffered the death he planned for Mordecai. God will open the book of your remembrance and bless you. He will out bless any evil that has been wished upon you. Your enemies will be shamed before your eyes to the Glory of God in Jesus name.

Psalm 24 vs 1
You are an heir of the owner of everything through Christ Jesus
Claim what is yours. The earth is the Lords and the fullness thereof, the world and they that dwell there in. You are and heir through Christ. Claim what is yours which is everything. A poor man that has inherited everything remains a poor man if he does not know his right, it does him no good. Step in a place and claim it. Decree a thing and it shall come to pass. Speak into every journey of life and situation and set things right in Jesus name. Your Father owns it all, and you are an heir. Know your right.

Psalm 25 vs 12-15
What man is he that feareth The Lord.
Have you set your heart on The Lord? Have you set your face like flint? Your eyes on The Lord? Are you serving Him with your whole heart, in worship, in praise, in obedience and willingness. He comes to you and your situation fast, His reward is with Him and He will pay accordingly. God owes no one, The Lord Himself will reward you for all your labor of love like only He can, he will make kings lose sleep to bless you in Jesus name.

Psalm 51 vs 17. Isaiah 46 vs 13

Where are you in The Lord?
Did you slip, did you fall...just a bit? This is finished work on the cross. Pick yourself up and run to The Lord, a broken spirit He will not despise. The work is plenty and the laborers are few. Set your eyes upon Him and you shall not be moved. Set your heart upon Jesus the author and finisher of your faith. He will direct your path when you acknowledge Him in all, lean not unto your own understanding. The Lord will help us to finish this race relevantly and strong in Jesus name.

Matthew 6 vs 6
Do you have a secret room
You, when you pray, shut the door in a room by yourself. God has been waiting on you. The Lord who is in secret is waiting for you to join Him. Start a close relationship with The Lord, he is earnestly yearning to have one with you. It's easy, enter a room by yourself, shut the door..there He is. Talk to Him, pray, praise, worship and listen. The Lord is looking for you to worship Him in Spirit and in truth. Did you know He talks back? Start a relationship with The Lord today, try it. As you do, the Good Lord will reveal Himself to you in Jesus name.

Psalm 93 vs 4. Isaiah 43 vs 16
The Lord is mightier than many waters
The Lord our God is mightier than any waters that trouble you. What are the waters, character, finance, disobedience, health, spiritual sleep, whatever it is. Every little fox you don't deal with is a potential goliath. Every worry is a wave among the waters. God is mightier than them all and He can wipe away all the waters that trouble you. He will work on you if you will let Him. Make a conscious decision today to let God. There is no Red Sea that can't be split, no axe that can't be restored, no sea that can't be calmed or walked on. Trust in Him today and you will not be put to shame.

Revelation for impartation

1. Jonah 1 vs 1-3. 4 vs 2

Jonah decided to disobey God because of the mercy of God to other people. He ran away because he knew that after going on the errand of God for evangelism, God would have mercy on the people and not destroy them. God made Him to understand that He created the people and have an interest in their salvation. May God open our eyes to see that the harvest is truly plentiful and it is our job to labor for His glory and not for our reasoning. We will evangelize and be fruitful in the area of soul winning in Jesus name. 

2. Jonah 1 vs 9-14.

Jonah the man of God revealed to the people who he was, who his God is and the people were terrified. They did all they could do to survive, but till they released Jonah from the ship, their lot was death and destruction. Every one holding us ransom or against our destined position, holding or harboring our destiny and our moving forward will be forced to release everything of ours by the storm of God in Jesus name.

3. 1 Samuel 2 vs 22-25. 3 vs 13, 14

Eli had sons that brought the wrath of the Lord to Him. His sons were talked to, warned, scolded, but not restrained. The sins of the house of Eli will never be atoned for by sacrifice or offering. Let us make it a point to restrain our selves and our children from defiling the house of the Lord and may the Lord favor us for it in Jesus name.

4. 1 Samuel 2 vs 27-36. 3 vs 16-18

After the prophet had told Eli all the words that the Lord had spoken against him, Eli had absolutely no remorse. He did not rend his garment and pour ash on his hair nor wear sackcloth or ask forgiveness. The same nothing happened after God confirmed His word through Samuel. Let us pray the God will give us the heart of David to always go back to him for redemption. We will not harden our hearts against the Lord in Jesus name. 

5. Ruth 2 vs 4,5

Boaz was a man who knew the benefit of speaking life. It is profitable to speak life. Before the start of business or discussion of business, he said to his workers The Lord be with you and the workers blessed him in return. The bible records that he was doing very well for himself. Let us pray that God should give us the heart to put Him first and to speak life in all situations.

Saturday, March 28, 2015

Consider the ocean majestic

Consider the ocean in her enchanted blue regalia. Shimmering and wavy, curved in all her ways. Have you ever seen a lady dressed in all her majestic attire and all at once. The sun shines to expose her silver jewelry, the moon for her gold. The darkness for her onyx and light for her heart. Upon her shores the light shines and exposes her, yes even you could see right through her. So vast, so beautiful, so enchanted but yet so deadly. She is never satisfied, giving passage to some and keeping some as everlasting visitors. Swallowing up and spitting out. She can eat up the biggest city and spare the smallest raft. When she roars, men of the sea wear terror as a garment, they look on in horror..hoping she already had her fill this morning. Is she coming gracefully or in the midst of a lovers quarrel. Hurricanes are named after her feminine side. Her masculine side comes in waves, ridden by the inventions of men for sport. She can be motherly and in her rage can run into whole cities taking more permanent visitors against will and choice. Spitting them out as soon as they get boring to the point of stiffness. To Spit out or to feed inner children, choices. Her children are beautiful and deadly alike. Moving in the waters of her beauty with beautiful skin and sharp teeth, some swallowing her visitors whole. Who shall pass through and who shall stay. Riding on her back towards rest, not worrying worth a penny. Her maker is my husband, firm in His ways, having mercy on whom He will have mercy on. Have you not heard that safety belongs to JEHOVAH. He has me under the shadow of His wings where I take refuge. He will protect me and mine. Though I ride through the seas and oceans deep and death hungry, the Holy one of Israel, The Lord the Merciful will give me and mine safe passage. Though she roars and screams like the leaches two daughters, give give, or more more, I will be safe because the Lord has set my life upon His mercy and my ways upon His uncontestable love, I shall tread waters and go through the deep and it shall not overwhelm me, her slapping waves shall not overtake me. In the name of Jesus, I have dominion here. Thank you Jesus.

Saturday, March 21, 2015

Happy anniversary

It was during a time of seek ye first the kingdom. It was a time of fellowship with the Lord, I muttered to the effect of He would have to provide a husband if He wanted me to marry. Left it at that and kept seeking first. A month later I got confirmation, just that it would be face, no characteristics. Well, after God knows in full detail the desires of my heart. See, I'm not your typical social bird, I like my place of abode well enough to stay in it. I was invited to go bowling by Ogaga and I was in agreement as soon as I got the invite. The Spirit of the Lord picked my outfit, yes He can do that. I later found out that my outfit, down to my puffy hair stood out. Mayowa Baiyeri had invited my heart and as soon as he walked in he went to say hi and was by my side the whole evening chatting...turned out we attended the same school back home in Nigeria. Turned out we also lived on the same street. #watchGodwork. We chatted after that for days that turned into weeks. One Saturday morning, the Lord graciously opened my eyes and I had a knowing that he was the one. Weeks turned to months and one afternoon, my joy got a ring and proposed. I laughed, I have different reactions to some situations. I was so happy. #Hecausedmetolaugh I prayed a prayer of surrender to my merciful Father, of it is of you, let it be, if get the gist. It's dangerous to go into an agreement without the Lord. The Lord released to me the Word that kept me in times that I needed my head to be lifted up. Being a quiet person, I was thinking about a wedding of 75 to 100 people...after all who did I know. Here's a revelation.. your wedding is not about you. Those of you that were there would testify that the church was all the way filled with friends, family from out of state and country...the Lord brought them. Henry Chuks and bukky came from Arkansas. Lilian Obianuju Onyenobi came from Houston. Dunni Dehinwa another classmate from Nigeria, I almost fell when I saw them. Some people I forgot to invite, and others I didn't invite for fear of overfilling the hall. Oh, Amber Nicole-Emem Jones came in full African regalia, so beautiful. She caught my bouquet. Latrice Sillers was in gele along with tirade and hazel. Chichi Thelma Ikwuegbu was a life saver as a bridesmaid. Doyin oh, Mado Assani, Kemi, Torkwase Ijir and Leslie Ijeoma Chukwuleta were so pretty that I had to check my own outfit n stuff... See Jayden and uche handling things. Chioma baby was looking so beautiful, she was mini me. Morenike Okungbowa thanks for allowing her to beautify everything. Chima F Chukwuleta all the way from California. Too many names. Mrs Sijuwade was like saving dew from heaven. She is blessed to a level of awe. That's a child of the most High and do you think that my Father in heaven is not seeing what she is doing. Sister Olufunke Babade Omotoso was quick to beautify the position of flower girls and junior bridesmaids with her beautiful daughters. Kimberly Jaiyeola, Sandra, Chioma and my Adaeze, and Simi. So beautiful, you have never seen an array of heavenly beauties as the Lord shewed at my wedding. Blaze Bc Aramide Eseyin ogaga, barede, Alex Xander III and mayowa looking so sharp you could cut it. The annointing in the house was heavy, I tell you. At some points, I almost fell. All the songs I wanted to glorify my Father with that I couldn't pass across to the choir, God ordered all of them from their mouths. #wontHedoit. The day was so heavenly that it could only be God. After all He paid for the wedding, proveded the groom and wont He complete His marvelous work. Victory house and HOTR helped so much, it was like a video of what Christianity is supposed to be. Anniversary was awesome, the cruise was delayed2 days and so we got a nice refund and still got to cruise. Do you know the cake never showed up, did you know over 430 people showed up for the reception at a reception hall for 300 people. I was thinking it was too much space. Thank God I moved it from the hall of 220 seats. The owner of the hall was threatening to shut the reception down, I never laughed so well, how can you shut down the Lord's wedding. Everything went awesomely well. It was like I was on fast forward. Married life was sweet at honeymoon and then the enemy put up his ugly head. The devil does not sleep. Thank God for the HOLY SPIRIT OF THE LIVING GOD. When the enemy comes in like a flood, the Spirit of the Lord raises a standard against them. No weapon fashioned against me shall prosper. The Holy Spirit is so awesome, He is so quick to help all the time I ask. Sometimes I forget to ask, but He had already provided a solution before I could realize there was an issue. It will be a year tomorrow and I won't have service where I'm going. I would like to say that if not for the Lord on our side, the enemy would have chewed us up and spat us out like chaff. The Lord kept us under His wings, and though 10000 fell at our right side, it did not touch us or come near. Instead of the counsel of the enemy, the Lord delivered our enemies to our feet. He made us laugh, He made us like those that dreamed. An embarrassment of testimonies. My God is mighty in this place and so I'm giving it all back to Him, all the praise and glory that He is worthy of. My loving Father, beside Him there is no other, none can stand where He stands, He rules alone.....rightly and justly. Jesus I love you so, the world can't understand it. I really really really appreciate you and need you to 've glorified in this. While I was yet a sinner, you died to save me. What kind of love is this. Thanks for my marriage and my husband, thanks for my beautiful family, thanks because You are in it with us. All glory to you Almighty God forever and ever.

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

I remember when

Mar 17, 14. I got engaged. 2 weeks later at Rtr,  mellman called me to his desk via IM. I thought it was business related. He said, is that an engagement ring, he made such a big deal and I was blushing. This was in February. Almost Valentine's day. My ring was indeed beautiful, it was perfect. He knew I didn't like bulky or blingy. It was absolutely perfect. My darling knows how to do His homework, and he delivered. Some things he lets slide and with some he just knocks you off your feet.

A week before that, Mado outed me at the choirs sleepover at Kemi's place. I was acting as a newscaster and had the tv remote as a microphone. She grabbed my hand and looked at the ring and screamed, I tried to shush her to no avail. As soon as she let the cat out of the bag..everyone flipped. It was so much fun. They turned it into an interview. I was so embarrassed more so because I wasn't used to having so many friends and girls at that. I normally have guy friends and only a handful. We talk over the phone, none of them fuss. They just say that I should marry so they can come and eat party rice. Thinking about that, I haven't spoken to Emmanuel in a while. I and kelechi stayed at his place for nkirus wedding. Was nice and extremely busy. Between running around and sleep, I think we saw him the night before we left. When we arrived, he was there long enough to show us where stuff was. He is a friend indeed. Luckily, he didn't live far from all the wedding stuff. I remember kelechi and I got lost on the way to the pre wedding dinner. Fun. We shopped a bunch during that time. Those were fun times. Since then, we are all married, nkiru, kelechi and I.

Monday, January 19, 2015

The name of Jesus

Ooooooooh, just found part of something I've been looking for for a while. It's awesome how you ask God to show you something and He does. He is awesome like that....ask and you shall receive.
Here it is.... John 17:11-12 NIV

I will remain in the world no longer, but they are still in the world, and I am coming to you. Holy Father, protect them by the power of  your name, the name you gave me, so that they may be one as we are one.  While I was with them, I protected them and kept them safe by  that name you gave me. None has been lost except the one doomed to destruction so that Scripture would be fulfilled.

Did you catch it, did you?

John 17:11-12 Holy Father, protect them by the power of  your name, the name you gave me, so that they may be one as we are one.  While I was with them, I protected them and kept them safe by  that name you gave me.

How about now.....

The name Jesus is not just Jesus name, it's Almighty God's name. Got it now?

John 17:11-12 Holy Father, protect them by the power of  your name(Jesus), the name you gave me(Jesus), so that they may be one as we are one.  While I was with them, I protected them and kept them safe by  that name(Jesus) you gave me.......

Somebody shout. I used to praise God, praise Jesus and the Holy Spirit in their separate names and wonders, but I said Lord, show me the name Jesus, I want to "enter".

And God is faithful to do it for me. I'm so grateful, when I say Jesus now, I have extra revelation behind the name

God is great and greatly to be praised