1. Jonah 1 vs 1-3. 4 vs 2
Jonah decided to disobey God because of the mercy of God to other people. He ran away because he knew that after going on the errand of God for evangelism, God would have mercy on the people and not destroy them. God made Him to understand that He created the people and have an interest in their salvation. May God open our eyes to see that the harvest is truly plentiful and it is our job to labor for His glory and not for our reasoning. We will evangelize and be fruitful in the area of soul winning in Jesus name.
2. Jonah 1 vs 9-14.
Jonah the man of God revealed to the people who he was, who his God is and the people were terrified. They did all they could do to survive, but till they released Jonah from the ship, their lot was death and destruction. Every one holding us ransom or against our destined position, holding or harboring our destiny and our moving forward will be forced to release everything of ours by the storm of God in Jesus name.
3. 1 Samuel 2 vs 22-25. 3 vs 13, 14
Eli had sons that brought the wrath of the Lord to Him. His sons were talked to, warned, scolded, but not restrained. The sins of the house of Eli will never be atoned for by sacrifice or offering. Let us make it a point to restrain our selves and our children from defiling the house of the Lord and may the Lord favor us for it in Jesus name.
4. 1 Samuel 2 vs 27-36. 3 vs 16-18
After the prophet had told Eli all the words that the Lord had spoken against him, Eli had absolutely no remorse. He did not rend his garment and pour ash on his hair nor wear sackcloth or ask forgiveness. The same nothing happened after God confirmed His word through Samuel. Let us pray the God will give us the heart of David to always go back to him for redemption. We will not harden our hearts against the Lord in Jesus name.
5. Ruth 2 vs 4,5
Boaz was a man who knew the benefit of speaking life. It is profitable to speak life. Before the start of business or discussion of business, he said to his workers The Lord be with you and the workers blessed him in return. The bible records that he was doing very well for himself. Let us pray that God should give us the heart to put Him first and to speak life in all situations.
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