I am not one to post a bunch of pictures on Facebook or to discuss in detail my private life. However, the name of the Lord must be glorified. 2015, I took in. Praise the Lord, I prayed a prayer that goes something like this...Lord, glorify yourself...regardless of me...have your way. Lol. Anyone who KNOWS The Lord knows what kind of weight that prayer can carry if you have His attention. After so many complications that filled a page, I was being watched for this pregnancy. Let me try to share the events that led to this miracle, that the name of the Lord will be glorified.
November 2015, I was in a 3 car pile up. A car ran into a car that ran into mine. Good God, you don't wish car accidents on anyone. Had to rush to the emergency room twice for my baby, then again when I remembered I hadn't been checked out. My back gave up, I was put on bed rest for a week due to the stress on my mental and physical self. Oh, the lady at fault had no insurance. Lol, but mine covered me. It is well.
Doctors appointments here and there, baby didn't turn till 36 weeks when my doctor wanted to schedule a c section. Lol. On the day of the appointment to schedule the c section, the baby turned right before. I remember the devil trying to use the lab attendant to thrash the prayers I had been sending up. She said..."so, you are worried because your baby hasn't turned. I let her talk to herself for a bit until she kept quiet.(Please, when you are at quarter to Miracle...don't let the devil use your mouth to put you back to square one). I let her know that by the grace of God, the baby has already turned and no, I'm not worried. Of course God had done it, baby had turned. She was baffled. Bless God. After everything was clear and good to go, my doctor insisted on my being induced for a good many number of reasons.
I had a scare for pre term labor, when the doctors assistant started panicking over the phone...I called my other doctor. Did I mention that I had multiple doctors. One specialist for complications, one neurologist for excruciating headaches, one obgyn. Ok, enough of the list of doctors.
I was having a lot of labor symptoms, but I didn't think I was in labor, the doctors assistant started to panic and send me to the emergency room. This is not my doctors assistant, my doctor and her assistant were out sick, but another doctors assistant in the office got on the phone to help. She said...go to the emergency room now, you need to go now...You are in pre term labor. Lol, when God didn't mention anything about delivering early to me. Sorry, I don't follow people to panic when I know that I have a God that will see me through. I called my other doctor who rushed me in for a doctor's appointment. It was UTI, after all those restroom breaks. I shamelessly started going to the rest room almost every 10-20 minutes after that as I was led by my bladder. No more waiting. This is a horrible thing to have while pregnant. Thank God for relief.
As I remember the events, I will testify. This is in case I forget any.
Tuesday, I went in with my husband to be induced. All of a sudden, they were rushing my husband to the emergency room...ah ah. My doctor refused to induce till he was released. I notified those who have been praying for and with me from day one. I called my in-laws and they drove about an hour and ended up spending days. Just wait for it. My husband was released and the inducing commenced. I was on full alert now, the enemy was playing games. The doctor broke water and gave epidural before contractions due to complications. We were waiting for dilation. Nurses were coming in and out, being very watchful. At a point, the machine monitoring the baby and contractions went haywire. It looked like childs play with a chalk. Boom, this part was like a movie so please ready yourself and your stomach. Nurses flooded the room, not saying anything....but in a frenzy. The silence was deafening, I was calm, husband calm, mother in law calm. You see, we had been praying for a while and this was One of the times for God to glorify Himself. The nurses started snatching everything that was connecting me to the room, the IV (drip), all wires, the monitoring machines...there had to be about 15 nurses or more. Within what felt like eleven seconds we were rolling out of the room to the operating room. Doctors running in, people snatching at equipment...e.g the one they use to shield my sight from the surgery. What was wrong with this picture, oh ya... They had started cutting me open and pulling my skin apart while I was watching the anesthesiologist run towards me with the syringe for the pain. Some education here for those with no idea....epidural helps with comfort and "some" LABOR pains. Anesthesia is for surgery. I heard this awful, horror movies haven't picked up on this...type screaming/screeching/plain horrible sound. It was me screaming, the whole ward could hear as I learnt later. Felt like the air was knocked out of me...obviously the air part is normal for csection. Someone was pushing down on my stomach so hard that I couldn't breathe...I'll spare the details about how I could feel it all and it was all over before the medicine could kick in. All this time I was being held down. Caleb came out and they proceeded to sew me up. Hold on, with no pain medication....I'm not superman....I was finally put under and when I woke up, I met my son. The last to meet my son, but after everything we were alive. Turns out the umbilical cord was separating and the uterus was squishing the life out of my child, time was of the essence. Praise God, the ever present help in times of trouble.
A day or two later, I was having fevers due to...no time to disinfect before tearing my skin open during the c section. Something about being septic. So, they expect a fever. The fever didn't last an hour, but it was enough to keep me in the hospital till the next day....and on all the antibiotics the hospital had. It was terrible standing up, hurt to Carry anything including the one person I wanted to carry. I was confined to the bed for days, then I was allowed to start walking around. If you look at the photos, you will see how my legs were becoming round. It felt like something was flapping in it when I walked, it had swollen so much. In the end, after all the testing and what not, the hospital and doctors were confounded. They found nothing, I'm glad my son was allowed to stay with me in my room after being discharged on the third day or so. At this time, my in-laws had slept over several times, and my mom had landed full omugwo mode (tradition of mothers taking care of the baby and mother after delivery). We were sleeping in the hospital, about 3-4 in a room including myself...but the room was big enough and private. The pictures showed our living situation. We were stuck there on this fever for 8 days total. (I remember the nurses coming in to see if we were still there, the maintenance people too, we were famous in that ward, one nurse would straight up laugh in our face).On the 6th day came prayers on the leading of the Holy Spirit. On the 8th day was the naming ceremony which is in the album as well. People were asking me if I was going to postpone the naming since I was in the hospital. Lai lai, that would indirectly mean that I was going to postpone my discharge. Let God be God. Last minute means nothing but your eleventh hour miracle. In tight situations, I thank God that He is in control, not me. They that wait upon the Lord.... I trust in the Lord and I shall not be ashamed. I had so many Words that had become rhema. The doctor refused to discharge until the fever had stopped. The night before the naming, the nurse had my temperature at 100.8(fever), laughed and said she would check it again. I said a quick prayer and the temperature came back at 99.7, she recorded that. We left a bit past 12 on that day and that early evening Caleb was named. Isn't Good good, isn't he merciful. I'm so grateful. Please bless the Lord for me. I will tell of His goodness to me. When the Lord turned back the captivity of Crystal's family...We were like them that dreamed. Please bless God for me, He has done wondrous things for me
Saturday, April 2, 2016
Caleb, my testimony
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