David knew who he was. As huge as he is, his last words were wise. He did not lift himself high, but humbled himself. He mentioned his accomplishments and mentioned that they were not by his power. He recognized the help of God. He admitted that he was not perfect, but God still helped him. Most of all, he said he had the Holy Spirit as a guide. Do we have the Holy Spirit as a guide. Do we ignore Him when we are not in dire need. Let us cling to Him as He consistently yearns for an intimate friendship with us and regardless of us. Don't judge yourself out of His fellowship.
Monday, September 15, 2014
Thursday, September 4, 2014
Revelation 3
The bible says that after baptism Jesus was led by the Spirit of God into the desert where He was going to get tempted. What did He do, complain? No. Refuse? No. The word says He fasted for forty days and forty nights, then He was hungry. That is focus. Is your Spirit in tune with the Spirit of God to know what to do at all times. After an impartation of anointing such as in baptism, The Lord gives opportunities for faith. Let us pray for focus to succeed through the power of the Holy Spirit.
Matthew 4 vs 1 Be Hungry for your calling
When Jesus knew He would be tempted, He went into a fast and prepared Himself. It is refreshing when you have come into terms with your fast and the physical hunger goes away and is replaced by a hunger to quote scripture, to pray, to study to show yourself approved and to do the work which you have been sent. After the fast, the word says that Jesus was hungry. Imagine a 40 day hunger from a successful fast. Let us pray that God will strengthen us in our fast by the power of the Holy Spirit and for the race set before us.
Matthew 4 vs 8 the devil took Jesus to the mountain
What mountain is the devil trying to take you to for temptation, what glory is he showing you. Let us be steadfast like our Lord Jesus. He could discern that a mountain is a mountain regardless of how glorious it looks and the devil gives with sorrow. How do you bring someone to a heap of trouble and misery called a mountain and then promise them the world. The devil is a liar, that world would have been attached to every form of spiritual mountain. Thank God Jesus pointed all back to Jehovah who blesses without adding sorrow. Let us hold fast to The Lord and learn to wait on Him, lest we fall into a mountain made of greed.
Wednesday, September 3, 2014
Matthew 3 vs 1-4 Spiritual growth through living a fasted life
John the Baptist lived in the wilderness, ate wild locusts and honey. His clothes and everything showed that he was not concerned with the cares of this world. In everything he did, he was living a fasted life. Little wonder why it was said that he was recognized in the kingdom of God. He was well versed in the word and prayed on everyone he baptized. He led a focused life of the word, fasting, prayers and moderation. Let us take into consideration the benefits of a fasted life and ask the Holy Spirit to help us in our race to the finish.
Matthew 3 vs 11
John said that he baptized with water for repentance, when you are born again, there is then the One that comes after John, he says that He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and with Fire. Do you know that it is Jesus being spoke of, if you already have this baptism, you are baptized by Jesus Himself. Oh my, God has a hand in your baptism. Go forth and put it to use, you are fire filled, tell the people of the gospel and lay hands and proclaim His name, Jesus. If you are not yet baptized, the word of God says you should desire it. He is faithful to give it to you. When you have it, remember it is not an accessory- it is Power and builds faith. Let us pray that The Lord will use us mightily in His vineyard.
Matthew 3 vs 12 Father, gather me like wheat
Jesus has His winnowing fork in His hand and He will gather the wheat and burn the chaff. Let us check ourselves to be sure we are part of that wheat, that the fruit we bear is part of that wheat. Like Elijah left for Elisha, let there be someone you are molding into the wheat that Jesus is looking for. Let us pray that any part of us that is unpleasant to God, He should consume by fire like that chaff.
Matthew 3 vs16
Jesus was baptized same way we are baptized, and some things follow this baptism. He came up out of the water immediately; readiness. Immediately following, the Heavens were opened up to Him; power to go forth. The Spirit of God descended upon Him like lightening;he was quickened. A voice commended Him. Now, we also come out of the water, our heavens open and we have the Spirit of God. How are we putting this massive combination to use by affecting the lives of others. Let us pray for a renewal of our baptism daily so that we may fight the good fight with all the armor we need.
Monday, September 1, 2014
Revelation 1
Matthew 2 vs 13 Be Obedient
The angel told Joseph in a dream to escape to Egypt because Jesus life was sought after. We need to listen when God sends help, we need to discern the source of the help and give absolute obedience. Pick up and go. Joseph didn't question God. The word of God is life and in this instance, it was life saving (matt 2 vs 16). Let us choose to be obedient today.
Matthew 2 vs 14 Be at the right Location
Joseph was obedient to the instruction from the angel of the Lord. He stayed in Egypt till Herod died. He went to the location that was told to him. Because of obedience, prophecy from Hosea was fulfilled. Hosea 11 vs 1. We need to be in the right location for prophecy to be fulfilled in our lives. Let us pray for direction today so that we don't work amiss of the destination of the Lords provisions for us.
Matthew 2 vs 18 Stand in the midst of the storm for your breakthrough
Prophecy fulfilled, a bitter one. The little male children of bethlehem slain. The Israelites were devastated, but in the midst of it all- a 400 year old heavy prophecy was coming to pass. The messiah had arrived. Long awaited salvation. In the midst of devastation, keep your eyes on the Lord, He has something great in store for you.
Matthew 2 vs 19 Trust and Wait upon the Lord in the place He told You
The angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph in Egypt. He appeared not just to Joseph, but in Egypt, to the place that he sent Joseph to. What if Joseph hadn't obeyed, he would've missed the angel. God moved Joseph, Mary and Jesus through one person and in the mean time- destroyed all that were looking to kill Jesus. If you are the one God has instructed, full obedience is required. Let us pray and depend on the Holy Spirit for guidance.
Matthew 2 vs 21-23 Obedience builds relationship with God
Joseph, father of Jesus was obedient with the warning to flee to Egypt. Obedient to leave Egypt and return to Israel. Of course when Joseph was afraid to stay in Israel because of the ruler at the time-God sent warning to go to Galilee (Nazareth) and leave Israel. He knew that Joseph depended on Him, and this obedience led to the fulfillment of prophecy. Let us pray that our Spirit should be sensitive to the things of the Almighty.
Matthew 2 vs 13 Be Obedient
The angel told Joseph in a dream to escape to Egypt because Jesus life was sought after. We need to listen when God sends help, we need to discern the source of the help and give absolute obedience. Pick up and go. Joseph didn't question God. The word of God is life and in this instance, it was life saving (matt 2 vs 16). Let us choose to be obedient today.
Matthew 2 vs 14 Be at the right Location
Joseph was obedient to the instruction from the angel of the Lord. He stayed in Egypt till Herod died. He went to the location that was told to him. Because of obedience, prophecy from Hosea was fulfilled. Hosea 11 vs 1. We need to be in the right location for prophecy to be fulfilled in our lives. Let us pray for direction today so that we don't work amiss of the destination of the Lords provisions for us.
Matthew 2 vs 18 Stand in the midst of the storm for your breakthrough
Prophecy fulfilled, a bitter one. The little male children of bethlehem slain. The Israelites were devastated, but in the midst of it all- a 400 year old heavy prophecy was coming to pass. The messiah had arrived. Long awaited salvation. In the midst of devastation, keep your eyes on the Lord, He has something great in store for you.
Matthew 2 vs 19 Trust and Wait upon the Lord in the place He told You
The angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph in Egypt. He appeared not just to Joseph, but in Egypt, to the place that he sent Joseph to. What if Joseph hadn't obeyed, he would've missed the angel. God moved Joseph, Mary and Jesus through one person and in the mean time- destroyed all that were looking to kill Jesus. If you are the one God has instructed, full obedience is required. Let us pray and depend on the Holy Spirit for guidance.
Matthew 2 vs 21-23 Obedience builds relationship with God
Joseph, father of Jesus was obedient with the warning to flee to Egypt. Obedient to leave Egypt and return to Israel. Of course when Joseph was afraid to stay in Israel because of the ruler at the time-God sent warning to go to Galilee (Nazareth) and leave Israel. He knew that Joseph depended on Him, and this obedience led to the fulfillment of prophecy. Let us pray that our Spirit should be sensitive to the things of the Almighty.
Sept 2 2014
Matthew 3 vs 8-10 Produce good and abiding fruit
The ax is ready at the root of the tree to cut down every non producing tree. Our repentance and salvation should produce fruit, good and abiding fruit. There is no excuse as to why it shouldn't. We are unashamed of the gospel and should spread it by word and by action, with every access we have. The Holy Spirit will give us what to say, as it is written. When we produce good fruit, we should pray for it to abide, sow a seed of salvation everywhere you go and God will in turn work on you. Let us ask the Holy Spirit to put a constant and productive yearning for the salvation of souls in our heart.
Saturday, April 19, 2014
The Almighty Creator
The Lord, the unsearchable..the omni potent is God yesterday, today and right now..He is still doing miracles and leading His people to streams of living waters, He still makes their children dream dreams....there has been not one thing spoken from His excellent mouth that has not come to pass, He is excellent like that...He sits on high and scans the entire existence that is and does as He pleases, He is sovereign like that. My God is beyond awesome, he is an awe, there are no words to describe You O mighty and endless creator, Your word makes me to understand that you spoke and things and everything was created.....ooooh, You make me shiver in Your awesomeness. How great are you? How awesome, I know I talk too much but when I start to try to try to try to try to describe You...oooooh my words fail me miserably...You are too wonderful for words. Beyond description God, my God who has a mighty and outstretched arm, my God who makes me laugh. Yes, He causes me to laugh, because I've said thank you for so many things and my mouth has run dry, then I praise, then I worship, then I dance, then I shout, then I testify, then I'm exhausted because it's still not enough.....then He looks upon me and causes me to laugh till I cry.....#the MostHighreighnethinmylifetoday Jesus, thank You for saving me and thank You for saving grace, thank You for being everything to me even though I don't deserve it, You are generous and faithful, merciful God, that is who You are. Be glorified in this temple. Holy Spirit, I love You. Thank You almighty Father for sending me Jesus, well You sent Him to all, and I'm the apple of Jesus eye....sooooooooooo, there. Thank You only wise God.
Tuesday, April 15, 2014
Jesus has preeminence
He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation. For by Him all things were created that are in heaven and that are on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or principalities or powers. All things were created through Him and for Him. And He is before all things, and in Him all things consist. And He is the head of the body, the church, who is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead, that in all things He may have the preeminence. (Colossians 1:15-18 NKJV)
He is the image of the invisible God (literally and in every aspect), the firstborn over all creation( all creation, all you can see, all you cannot see, all helpers needed on your side, all enemies and friends, kings and bosses, He is over them all). For by Him all things (all, good and evil) were created that are in heaven and that are on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or principalities or powers (All things were made through Him, and without Him nothing was made that was made. (John 1:3 NKJV). All things were created through Him and for Him (What then shall we say to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us? (Romans 8:31 NKJV) And He is before all things, and in Him all things consist( in Him is your happiness, and solutions, and jobs, and access keys and revelations and everything, not some things..all things) And He is the head of the body, the church, who is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead, that in all things He may have the preeminence(imagine, before all this earth or any problems arise, or any need arises, before you ever needed deliverance or money or fruit, from the beginning of creation, God has preeminence over it all). (Colossians 1:15-18 NKJV)
Tuesday, April 1, 2014
My Testimony
Today is the 1st of April 2014 at 8.11am and my husband just left for work. I prayed for him as he left. It's been a long time since I decided to follow Jesus and prayers became a part of my life
You see, I grew up in a Catholic Church...However, my immediate family grew up in the charismatic section-oh yes it was Holy Ghost filled. Thanks to my mom, I went through the "life in the Spirit" seminar and got to kind of start a prayer life. I was going through the 2 month seminar to receive a gift of the Holy Spirit at the end.
So I did my home work, I read up on the Holy Spirit-the third person in the blessed trinity- I prayed in the mornings, evenings and at 2am. Oh yes I did my homework. Um no one told me I would be under attack during this time. I experienced horrible attacks in the dream and out of the dream state..what an experience. Obviously, when you pray..the enemy attacks
Anyway, thank God that the house was filled with Holy Spirit filled warriors who could speak the name of Jesus and the dreams would go away..whooooooa. This name of Jesus has power. Ya, of course I knew this. I had been praying since I was a child. Yes, we had a family altar- place where we prayed daily to God-..prayed every night and worshipped..plus we took turns..so it was always nice
Now keep in mind I am a practical kinda girl. So when I'm told that Jesus loves the little children, hey..that means he can help me out of a whooping. Needless to say, my pre teen years consisted of negotiations with The Lord whereby He would hold up his part and I would mess up my part. Lol
Oh Lord Jesus, please if you make mummy forget that I broke the plate, I won't sin again..something like thatI don't have to tell you how that went, she would forget..I would go back to sin and get whooped for the same thing like a month later. Now keep in mind that I was about 9 years old and I've already tasted and seen that The Lord Jesus was good
I went on to high school and at about the age of 16, I had so much Christmatic ministering in me that I started to contemplate giving my life to Christ, and folks..I did
Mornings had never been so beautiful, things moved at a pace that worked for me. Life was in slow motion but I was achieving fast. Did I know what I was doing, no. But I trusted God and made it a point to forgive and love everyone. I wouldn't say I went to church more cups come on, I would have to live in the church to accomplish that.
Sunday, early morning mass, Monday home, Tuesday teaching ministry service and night vigil if you can do it. I normally slept from the first word to the last. Wednesday home, Thursday healing ministry service and a lot of speaking in tongues and prayers, laying of hands and what not. I looked up to these people, I said to myself..one day I'll be a healing minister. Oh, Thursday in church was after sisters fellowship, that's a group of women that can praise and worship from today till tomorrow. They gave me spiritual goosebumps. Friday home, Saturday home. Meanwhile we prayed at home everyday and apart from that, I prayed the novena and the rosary...hey..I was heaven bound
In the event it was lent, then add Wednesdays to the mix for stations of the cross where you learn about the journey of Jesus as He went to die for you and I. Add Saturdays for revivals and there you have it.
Now where was I, mornings were so beautiful and the air never felt so fresh, trees were green again. My life was easy. Then somehow, I started to practice this idea called faith. About 3 times I commanded heavy rain to start and stop in the name of Jesus, phew..this Jesus is serious stuff I thought to myself..and He is allowing me to do stuff.
Somehow I backslid, probably because I didn't really understand what was going on. I lived a life, finished high school and got into college. At least once at the end of each university semester, I would go to a party. I dated a bit and it was boring after drama after ordinary stuff. All the time I had Jesus at the back of my mind, like I haven't forgotten you Lord. I just don't know how to come back. Come and get me when you are ready Lord and I would say that to myself a lot. I prayed in passing, mostly for grades and daily stuff.
One day all that changed
February 3rd 2012, it was a long day. My high school mates and I got together for lunch or dinner and parted ways. We exchanged numbers, do you know that this was predestined to happen. At this time, I was working a full time job and teaching in church. My friend (high school mate)Who I would chat with for long times on end on Facebook, mind you..he was in a different country then and I hadn't seen him for 10 years...he was one of the attendees.
He called me at about 8pm that evening of February the 3rd 2012. The conversation switched to Jesus and he asked if I was comfortable with it. Honestly, my ears were tingling like someone was singing my favorite song. He asked me about my relationship and I said that Jesus and I were cool but I know I want so much more. Thank a God I'm pretty open and down to earth. I'm pretty blunt, I'm glad I don't have an ego that would've probably made the conversation awkward and help me miss my chance, the devil is a liar. I could have easily said "oh yes, I am born again"and not mention that I did not stay true. It's not like I went and killed someone or stole something, my life was pretty blah. Not much happening, not much not happening...kind of like going through the motions. I let my friend know that I love Jesus more than anything and I have tasted of Him and was finding it hard to go back. Anyone shoud know that it's easy and at the same time difficult to run to God for salvation. All you need is sincerity and a conversation with God. At the same time, the devil is telling you that you need to be holy at least, and you need to go to church at least, and ooh you better not. Embarrass yourself by standing up in front of all these people. Didn't you receive communion yesterday, you are fine...except that "you are fine" expires in 2 hours. But thank God for honesty, my friend reassured me that it was easy and I should just talk to God and tell Him what was going on and just try. I was all for it, He ministered to me a bit and we got off the phone at about eleven pm if not right before. Everyone needs a little push, and that little push might just be you. Use every opportunity to help others who are not aware of Jesus and what He should be in their life.
I did not waste time to get on my knees, praying was not new to me, talking to God was not new to me and I had read the words for a quest for salvation too many times.
I said to my God my apologies, that I was sorry it took this long and sorry for all else. I let Him know that He knows I come with sincerity and I don't know how to do this or any of it, but He can take over because I surrender and all I want is Him.
Surrender is not an easy thing, absolute surrender anyway. I started balling, mucus was everywhere and no tissue in sight. I didn't get up, the mucus can handle itself. I didn't know why I was crying but I couldn't stop.
Then do you know what happened next, the Holy Spirit came down, oh my God, it was an experience. My skin started to sag and I was heavy. I like practical and so I was appreciative of this moment.
Saturday, February 15, 2014
I am poured out like water
I am poured out like water Lord, have mercy
My emotions have emptied me Father, fill me
From the ends of the earth I will cry out to you
When my heart is overwhelmed, lead me to the rock that is higher than I
Holy Spirit, have your way
It's a new year
Believe in me and you will have eternal life, believe in my prophet and you will prosper, believe that the Father has sent me, believe that Jesus died...believe believe believe..ask the mountain to move and if you believe...faith as tiny as a mustard seed
Why is everything That God asks us to do so easy and so hard at the same time
Everything I've asked of my Father, He has done it
Everything I've asked of my Father in faith, He has done it quickly
It's mercy talking
It's favor talking
It's grace talking
It's faithfulness talking
I can't depend on man lest I be lost
Lest I be disappointed, but The Lord does not disappoint
From Generation to generation, He is Lord, just believe....have faith, just a little
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