Monday, April 9, 2012

Jesus calls, are you hearing or are you listening

To the Church in your heart
Give thanks to The Lord because He is good and His love endures forever
God is all knowing, all seeing, all loving and much more. I'm nowhere near perfect and I don't claim to be perfect. I just want to bring the living Word of God to as much as I can reach. I can’t reach anyone if they can’t hear God through me, and that's OK. God speaks through many people to your soul and then you respond, or you can hear Him through His word in the Bible. Life is really too unpredictable and too short to waste it away on worldly matters. Focus on Jesus who laid down His life for you and for me. Adjust your focus all you mankind out there and turn away from sin. I thought for a long time and was lucky enough to see that mans focus is shifting to the Church and from Jesus. In your heart, don't let anyone tell you: Remember the heart of the matter. Jesus for you, the Church for Jesus. Don't go to Church and forget where you are; don't forget you are in the Church for Jesus and not for the Church. When you go to church, have the right reason in your heart because no one can save you but Jesus. Don't depend on anyone that can guide you but not save you, open the Bible and read for yourself. Depend entirely on God. Cleanse yourself of sin through a humble prayer to God who is always listening. Come back to the Father who is always waiting, before it is too late. The purchase price has been paid and the blood has been shed for the salvation of ALL. Don't waste it. If you are a church goer and not saved yet, walk up to your church leader and have a quick chat about that and BAPTISM or get on your own knees and talk to God through Jesus. If you are not a Christian yet, Get on your knees and talk to God about salvation from death and sin then walk into any Church that is focused strictly on Jesus and ask for guidance. If you don't know what to say then say "I need Jesus in my life". If you are embarrassed, pull someone aside between the both of you. Better be saved now than thinking back when it’s too late. Ask for the Holy Spirit to guide you because following Jesus is not easy and you can’t do it alone, don’t let anyone sugarcoat it for you. Tell others who don’t know about Jesus when and if you Know. Don't be deceived with Denominations; follow Christ who wants to live in your heart. Luke 9 vs. 50 "Do not stop him", Jesus said, "for whoever is not against you is for you". Come to me all you who are heavy laden and I will give you rest. Jesus spoke those words and you cannot know peace without knowing Jesus first. Peace like a river in every aspect of your life. Seek ye first the Kingdom of God and all other things shall be added unto you. Jesus is in you and all around you. His church is in your heart, don't ignore his congregation. Salvation through Jesus Christ who died for you is available and FREE.

Monday, April 2, 2012

God, you just love me too much.
 You run and catch me before I fall.
You set the stage for me to be saved
long before I realized I needed saving.
You are my God and I love you fiercely with all my heart,
mind, soul, body and strength.
You are worthy of all praise and adoration
Your name be glorified in all the heavens
and Your name be magnified and exhalted in all the earth
You are too much