Monday, September 15, 2014

Revelation 4

2 Sam 23 vs 1
David knew who he was. As huge as he is, his last words were wise. He did not lift himself high, but humbled himself. He mentioned his accomplishments and mentioned that they were not by his power. He recognized the help of God. He admitted that he was not perfect, but God still helped him. Most of all, he said he had the Holy Spirit as a guide. Do we have the Holy Spirit as a guide. Do we ignore Him when we are not in dire need. Let us cling to Him as He consistently yearns for an intimate friendship with us and regardless of us. Don't judge yourself out of His fellowship. 

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Revelation 3

Matthew 4 vs 1,2. Jesus was ever ready, are you?
The bible says that after baptism Jesus was led by the Spirit of God into the desert where He was going to get tempted. What did He do, complain? No. Refuse? No. The word says He fasted for forty days and forty nights, then He was hungry. That is focus. Is your Spirit in tune with the Spirit of God to know what to do at all times. After an impartation of anointing such as in baptism, The Lord gives opportunities for faith. Let us pray for focus to succeed through the power of the Holy Spirit.

Matthew 4 vs 1 Be Hungry for your calling
When Jesus knew He would be tempted, He went into a fast and prepared Himself. It is refreshing when you have come into terms with your fast and the physical hunger goes away and is replaced by a hunger to quote scripture, to pray, to study to show yourself approved and to do the work which you have been sent. After the fast, the word says that Jesus was hungry. Imagine a 40 day hunger from a successful fast. Let us pray that God will strengthen us in our fast by the power of the Holy Spirit and for the race set before us.

Matthew 4 vs 8 the devil took Jesus to the mountain
What mountain is the devil trying to take you to for temptation, what glory is he showing you. Let us be steadfast like our Lord Jesus. He could discern that a mountain is a mountain regardless of how glorious it looks and the devil gives with sorrow. How do you bring someone to a heap of trouble and misery called a mountain and then promise them the world. The devil is a liar, that world would have been attached to every form of spiritual mountain. Thank God Jesus pointed all back to Jehovah who blesses without adding sorrow. Let us hold fast to The Lord and learn to wait on Him, lest we fall into a mountain made of greed. 

Wednesday, September 3, 2014


Matthew 3 vs 1-4 Spiritual growth through living a fasted life

John the Baptist lived in the wilderness, ate wild locusts and honey. His clothes and everything showed that he was not concerned with the cares of this world. In everything he did, he was living a fasted life.  Little wonder why it was said that he was recognized in the kingdom of God. He was well versed in the word and prayed on everyone he baptized. He led a focused life of the word, fasting, prayers and moderation. Let us take into consideration the benefits of a fasted life and ask the Holy Spirit to help us in our race to the finish. 

Matthew 3 vs 11
John said that he baptized with water for repentance, when you are born again, there is then the One that comes after John, he says that He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and with Fire. Do you know that it is Jesus being spoke of, if you already have this baptism, you are baptized by Jesus Himself. Oh my, God has a hand in your baptism. Go forth and put it to use, you are fire filled, tell the people of the gospel and lay hands and proclaim His name, Jesus. If you are not yet baptized, the word of God says you should desire it. He is faithful to give it to you. When you have it, remember it is not an accessory- it is Power and builds faith. Let us pray that The Lord will use us mightily in His vineyard.

Matthew 3 vs 12 Father, gather me like wheat
Jesus has His winnowing fork in His hand and He will gather the wheat and burn the chaff. Let us check ourselves to be sure we are part of that wheat, that the fruit we bear is part of that wheat. Like Elijah left for Elisha, let there be someone you are molding into the wheat that Jesus is looking for. Let us pray that any part of us that is unpleasant to God, He should consume by fire like that chaff. 

Matthew 3 vs16
Jesus was baptized same way we are baptized, and some things follow this baptism. He came up out of the water immediately; readiness. Immediately following, the Heavens were opened up to Him; power to go forth. The Spirit of God descended upon Him like lightening;he was quickened. A voice commended Him. Now, we also come out of the water, our heavens open and we have the Spirit of God. How are we putting this massive combination to use by affecting the lives of others. Let us pray for a renewal of our baptism daily so that we may fight the good fight with all the armor we need. 

Monday, September 1, 2014

Revelation 1

Matthew 2 vs 13 Be Obedient
The angel told Joseph in a dream to escape to Egypt because Jesus life was sought after. We need to listen when God sends help, we need to discern the source of the help and give absolute obedience. Pick up and go. Joseph didn't question God. The word of God is life and in this instance, it was life saving (matt 2 vs 16). Let us choose to be obedient today. 

Matthew 2 vs 14 Be at the right Location
Joseph was obedient to the instruction from the angel of the Lord. He stayed in Egypt till Herod died. He went to the location that was told to him. Because of obedience, prophecy from Hosea was fulfilled. Hosea 11 vs 1. We need to be in the right location for prophecy to be fulfilled in our lives. Let us pray for direction today so that we don't work amiss of the destination of the Lords provisions for us. 

Matthew 2 vs 18 Stand in the midst of the storm for your breakthrough
Prophecy fulfilled, a bitter one. The little male children of bethlehem slain. The Israelites were devastated, but in the midst of it all- a 400 year old heavy prophecy was coming to pass. The messiah had arrived. Long awaited salvation. In the midst of devastation, keep your eyes on the Lord, He has something great in store for you. 

Matthew 2 vs 19 Trust and Wait upon the Lord in the place He told You
The angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph in Egypt. He appeared not just to Joseph, but in Egypt, to the place that he sent Joseph to. What if Joseph hadn't obeyed, he would've missed the angel. God moved Joseph, Mary and Jesus through one person and in the mean time- destroyed all that were looking to kill Jesus. If you are the one God has instructed, full obedience is required. Let us pray and depend on the Holy Spirit for guidance. 

Matthew 2 vs 21-23 Obedience builds relationship with God
Joseph, father of Jesus was obedient with the warning to flee to Egypt. Obedient to leave Egypt and return to Israel. Of course when Joseph was afraid to stay in Israel because of the ruler at the time-God sent warning to go to Galilee (Nazareth) and leave Israel. He knew that Joseph depended on Him, and this obedience led to the fulfillment of prophecy. Let us pray that our Spirit should be sensitive to the things of the Almighty. 

Sept 2 2014
Matthew 3 vs 8-10 Produce good and abiding fruit
The ax is ready at the root of the tree to cut down every non producing tree. Our repentance and salvation should produce fruit, good and abiding fruit. There is no excuse as to why it shouldn't. We are unashamed of the gospel and should spread it by word and by action, with every access we have. The Holy Spirit will give us what to say, as it is written. When we produce good fruit, we should pray for it to abide, sow a seed of salvation everywhere you go and God will in turn work on you. Let us ask the Holy Spirit to put a constant and productive yearning for the salvation of souls in our heart.