Tuesday, April 1, 2014

My Testimony

Today is the 1st of April 2014 at 8.11am and my husband just left for work. I prayed for him as he left. It's been a long time since I decided to follow Jesus and prayers became a part of my life

You see, I grew up in a Catholic Church...However, my immediate family grew up in the charismatic section-oh yes it was Holy Ghost filled. Thanks to my mom, I went through the "life in the Spirit" seminar and got to kind of start a prayer life. I was going through the 2 month seminar to receive a gift of the Holy Spirit at the end.

So I did my home work, I read up on the Holy Spirit-the third person in the blessed trinity- I prayed in the mornings, evenings and at 2am. Oh yes I did my homework. Um no one told me I would be under attack during this time. I experienced horrible attacks in the dream and out of the dream state..what an experience. Obviously, when you pray..the enemy attacks

Anyway, thank God that the house was filled with Holy Spirit filled warriors who could speak the name of Jesus and the dreams would go away..whooooooa. This name of Jesus has power. Ya, of course I knew this. I had been praying since I was a child. Yes, we had a family altar- place where we prayed daily to God-..prayed every night and worshipped..plus we took turns..so it was always nice

Now keep in mind I am a practical kinda girl. So when I'm told that Jesus loves the little children, hey..that means he can help me out of a whooping. Needless to say, my pre teen years consisted of negotiations with The Lord whereby He would hold up his part and I would mess up my part. Lol

Oh Lord Jesus, please if you make mummy forget that I broke the plate, I won't sin again..something like thatI don't have to tell you how that went, she would forget..I would go back to sin and get whooped for the same thing like a month later. Now keep in mind that I was about 9 years old and I've already tasted and seen that The Lord Jesus was good

I went on to high school and at about the age of 16, I had so much Christmatic ministering in me that I started to contemplate giving my life to Christ, and folks..I did

Mornings had never been so beautiful, things moved at a pace that worked for me. Life was in slow motion but I was achieving fast. Did I know what I was doing, no. But I trusted God and made it a point to forgive and love everyone. I wouldn't say I went to church more cups come on, I would have to live in the church to accomplish that.

Sunday, early morning mass, Monday home, Tuesday teaching ministry service and night vigil if you can do it. I normally slept from the first word to the last. Wednesday home, Thursday healing ministry service and a lot of speaking in tongues and prayers, laying of hands and what not. I looked up to these people, I said to myself..one day I'll be a healing minister. Oh, Thursday in church was after sisters fellowship, that's a group of women that can praise and worship from today till tomorrow. They gave me spiritual goosebumps. Friday home, Saturday home. Meanwhile we prayed at home everyday and apart from that, I prayed the novena and the rosary...hey..I was heaven bound

In the event it was lent, then add Wednesdays to the mix for stations of the cross where you learn about the journey of Jesus as He went to die for you and I. Add Saturdays for revivals and there you have it.

Now where was I, mornings were so beautiful and the air never felt so fresh, trees were green again. My life was easy. Then somehow, I started to practice this idea called faith. About 3 times I commanded heavy rain to start and stop in the name of Jesus, phew..this Jesus is serious stuff I thought to myself..and He is allowing me to do stuff.

Somehow I backslid, probably because I didn't really understand what was going on. I lived a life, finished high school and got into college. At least once at the end of each university semester, I would go to a party. I dated a bit and it was boring after drama after ordinary stuff. All the time I had Jesus at the back of my mind, like I haven't forgotten you Lord. I just don't know how to come back. Come and get me when you are ready Lord and I would say that to myself a lot. I prayed in passing, mostly for grades and daily stuff.

One day all that changed

February 3rd 2012, it was a long day. My high school mates and I got together for lunch or dinner and parted ways. We exchanged numbers, do you know that this was predestined to happen. At this time, I was working a full time job and teaching in church. My friend (high school mate)Who I would chat with for long times on end on Facebook, mind you..he was in a different country then and I hadn't seen him for 10 years...he was one of the attendees.

He called me at about 8pm that evening of February the 3rd 2012. The conversation switched to Jesus and he asked if I was comfortable with it. Honestly, my ears were tingling like someone was singing my favorite song. He asked me about my relationship and I said that Jesus and I were cool but I know I want so much more. Thank a God I'm pretty open and down to earth. I'm pretty blunt, I'm glad I don't have an ego that would've probably made the conversation awkward and help me miss my chance, the devil is a liar. I could have easily said "oh yes, I am born again"and not mention that I did not stay true. It's not like I went and killed someone or stole something, my life was pretty blah. Not much happening, not much not happening...kind of like going through the motions. I let my friend know that I love Jesus more than anything and I have tasted of Him and was finding it hard to go back. Anyone shoud know that it's easy and at the same time difficult to run to God for salvation. All you need is sincerity and a conversation with God. At the same time, the devil is telling you that you need to be holy at least, and you need to go to church at least, and ooh you better not. Embarrass yourself by standing up in front of all these people. Didn't you receive communion yesterday, you are fine...except that "you are fine" expires in 2 hours. But thank God for honesty, my friend reassured me that it was easy and I should just talk to God and tell Him what was going on and just try. I was all for it, He ministered to me a bit and we got off the phone at about eleven pm if not right before. Everyone needs a little push, and that little push might just be you. Use every opportunity to help others who are not aware of Jesus and what He should be in their life. 

I did not waste time to get on my knees, praying was not new to me, talking to God was not new to me and I had read the words for a quest for salvation too many times. 

I said to my God my apologies, that I was sorry it took this long and sorry for all else. I let Him know that He knows I come with sincerity and I don't know how to do this or any of it, but He can take over because I surrender and all I want is Him. 

Surrender is not an easy thing, absolute surrender anyway. I started balling, mucus was everywhere and no tissue in sight. I didn't get up, the mucus can handle itself. I didn't know why I was crying but I couldn't stop. 

Then do you know what happened next, the Holy Spirit came down, oh my God, it was an experience. My skin started to sag and I was heavy. I like practical and so I was appreciative of this moment. 

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